Ogden TabernacleThe Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day SaintsOgden, UtahTown: OgdenBuilding name: Ogden Tabernacle, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints State/province: Utah Country: USA Builder: ? Date built: Opus number: Casework: none (organ speaks through grilles in front of room) Console type: detached Stop controls: drawknob Pedals type: concave, radiating Key action: electropneumatic Stop action: electric (?? memories) Temperament: Equal Tuning: A440 No. of stops: No. of ranks: No. of pipes: Wind power: Electric Wind pressures: History: Bibliography: Discography: Comments: Stoplist: I CHOIR (c-c, 61 notes, enclosed) Principal 8 (61 notes) Bourdon 8 (61 notes) Viola 8 (61 notes) Unda Maris 8 II (110 notes) Prestant 4 (ext. of Principal 8) (12 notes) Koppelflöte 4 (61 notes) Nazard 2 2/3 (61 notes) Principal 2 (61 notes) Tierce 1 3/5 (61 notes) Larigot 1 1/3 (61 notes) Clarinet 8 (61 notes) Tremulant Choir to Choir 16 Choir Unison Off Choir to Choir 4 Swell to Choir 16 Swell to Choir 8 Swell to Choir 4 II GREAT (c-c, 61 notes, unenclosed) Violone 16 (61 notes) Principal 8 (61 notes) Harmonic Flute 8 (61 notes) Gemshorn 8 (61 notes) Octave 4 (61 notes) Flute Octaviante 4 (12 notes; ext. of Harmonic Flute 8) Twelfth 2 2/3 (61 notes) Fifteenth 2 (61 notes) Mixture III (183 notes) Trumpet 8 (61 notes) Chimes (G-D?) Great to Great 16 Great Unison Off Great to Great 4 Swell to Great 16 Swell to Great 8 Swell to Great 4 Choir to Great 16 Choir to Great 8 Choir to Great 4 III SWELL (c-c, 61 notes, enclosed) Gedeckt 16 (61 notes) Diapason 8 (61 notes) Rohrflöte 8 (61 notes) Salicional 8 (61 notes) Voix Celeste 8 (49 notes) Octave 4 (61 notes) Flute Traverso 4 (61 notes) Flautino 2 (61 notes) Mixture III (183 notes) Contre Fagotto16 (61 notes) Trompette 8 (61 notes) Voix Humaine 8 (61 notes) Clarion 4 (61 notes) Tremulant Swell to Swell 16 Swell Unison Off Swell to Swell 4 PEDAL (c-G, 32 notes, unenclosed except as noted) *Contre Bourdon 32 (from Swell Bourdon 16 and Gedeckt 16; enclosed) Open Diapason 16 (32 notes) Bourdon 16 (from Swell ?; enclosed) Gedeckt 16 (from Swell; enclosed) Violone 16 (12 notes; ext. of Choir Viola 8; enclosed) Dulciana 16 (12 notes; ext. of Choir Unda Maris 8; enclosed) Principal 8 (32 notes) Flute 8 (from Swell ?; enclosed) Gedeckt 8 (from Swell Gedeckt 16; enclosed) Octave 4 (12 notes; ext. of Principal 8) Flute Octaviante 4 (from Great) Trombone 16 (32 notes) Bassoon 16 (from Swell Contre Fagotto 16; enclosed) Trumpet 8 (12 notes; ext. of Trombone 16) Clarion 4 (12 notes; ext. of Trombone 16) Great to Pedal 8 Great to Pedal 4 Swell to Pedal 8 Swell to Pedal 4 Choir to Pedal 8 Choir to Pedal 4 *Bottom octave: resultant of Bourdon 16 (root) and Gedeckt 16 (fifth); rest of range: Bourdon 16 with Gedeckt 16 8va lower. |
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